The Grasslamp
The Grasslamp is the modern desktop garden for your home or office and doubles as a lamp with its LED lights.
Although sometimes referred to as a tree or even a bush, bamboo is actually a type of grass. The tallest bamboo plant ever measured was 46 meters tall. That's 150 ft (similar to the height of a 14 story building)! The fastest growing bamboo grew 250cm in one 24 hour period. That's 98 inches or about 8 feet (taller than nearly all humans)!
While you won't be growing bamboo in your Grasslamp, the grass and plants you can grow are perfect for anyone that lacks a green thumb. The seeds are placed on the Grasslamp lid, sprayed with water a couple times a day and suddenly you're Johnny Appleseed (without the apple trees). It's amazing the change a little green can have in a home or office. Just looking at the images of this desktop garden seems to have a calming effect on me.
There are 40 different kinds of micro-greens that the Grasslamp can grow. Various types of these can be eaten by us and our pets. Wheatgrass is one of those and even has many nutritional benefits.