Image of Smart Ski Airbag Vest

Smart Ski Airbag Vest


The current world record for skiing the fastest is held by Luca Ferrara of Orlando, Florida. Luca was clocked at a blazing speed of 157.4 miles an hour (that's faster than most cars can drive). On average, more people die skiing per year (41.5) than by shark attacks (6). But don't let that deter you from the slopes.

Smart Ski Airbag Vest created by the French company In&Motion is designed to detect a fall and inflate within 100 milliseconds. Once inflated, it's built to protect the most sensitive areas of the body before colliding with the ground. The International Ski Federation has already approved the vest for use by professional athletes in competitive ski events.

While currently, the ski airbag vest is only available to professional athletes, they're expected to hit the stores for public purchase this coming summer. It's expected that the vest will have a price tag of $1,200. It's been over 15 years since I awkwardly slid down the side of a mountain on skis. I've been meaning to get back out there because I'd love to learn how to snowboard. It's not really the safety thing for me, more my laziness and lack of funds. This next ski season could be the prime time to hit the slopes cause it's looking like the safest one we've had in years.

Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.