Image of Spank the Yeti Adult Party Game

Spank the Yeti Adult Party Game


Spank the Yeti is the adult party game full of questionable decisions. Would you tongue bathe a coked-out unicorn, milk Jeff Goldblum, and finger bang a jar of expired mayonnaise? Or maybe you’d tongue bathe Jeff Goldblum, milk the mayo, and finger bang that unicorn? Action cards are paired up with Object cards and players try to correctly predict the answers. You don’t really know your friends until you know who (or what) they’d tongue bathe. Spank the Yeti is currently on Kickstarter and just recently hit their $11,000 goal with 17 days still to go!

Factoid: The first publicized report of a Yeti sighting came from a German photographer in 1925, but many people claim to have seen it.
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Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.