Spaceteam Card Game, if you can believe it, is based off of a mobile game app. I've played the smartphone game a number of times and I wasn't expecting much the first time but I completely fell in love with it. It's fast-paced, exciting, and wacky enough to be memorable. I'm extremely excited to find that they've turned it into a card game!
The mission is to repair the spaceship in order to escape an impending black hole. It's a game of cooperation and teamwork as success relies on each player receiving help from the others to repair certain parts of the ship. There's shouting. A lot of shouting! But that just adds to the fun and the excitement.
Factoid:The first recorded account of playing cards was sometime in the 12th century in the Orient. The Chinese replaced the bone or ivory playing cards (tiles) used to play the game of Dominos with a heavy paper kind of playing cards.
Jace LaneJust a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.