The worst part about owning a conventional canoe? Having to store it. It takes up a lot of space. ONAK, the origami canoe folds down into a carrying case that requires very little space to store. The case even has wheels so you can lug it around easily similar to a suitcase. ONAK is made with a new material, Honeycomb - Curv™ Polypropylene, that's both extremely tough and fully recyclable. The honeycomb air cells give it so much additional buoyancy that it even stays afloat when entirely flooded with water. Even for beginners this canoe is the perfect water craft for the exploration of canals and rivers wherever you may live.
Factoid:During the Makahiki festival in Hawaii, the chief would go off shore in a canoe. As he returned, he would have to deflect spears thrown at him by the warriors. Doing so successfully proved his worthiness to rule.
Jace LaneJust a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.