We've seen levitating lights, plants, and speakers but this is the first time we've seen a levitating turntable. The MAG-LEV Audio record player brings a visual beauty to the vinyl music experience. In order to preserve your records and prevent scratching this turntable lifts the tonearm at the end of your record. Should the MAG-LEV Audio turntable loose power the device holds enough additional power to safely lift the tonearm, stop the record, and return the platter feet to resting position. This way the turntable and your record remain in perfect condition even when the unexpected happens. It's a futuristic player for the music medium of the past.
Factoid:The world's biggest orchestra included over 7,224 musicians playing together at the Queensland Music Festival. Previously the record was 6,452 musicians, who played together in Vancouver, Canada in 2000.
Jace LaneJust a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.