Image of ‘Harry Potter’ Book Designs

‘Harry Potter’ Book Designs


For her BA degree project, Kincső Nagy of Hungary, completely redesigned the covers for the 'Harry Potter' book series. She also illustrated the first book, The Sorcerer's Stone (or The Philosopher's Stone as it was published outside the US). These incredible works of art certainly deserve all the attention they're getting.

"The Harry Potter books are extremely magical, mysterious and adventurous." Kincső states, "therefore my goal was to redesign them with illustrations that reflect this extraordinary atmosphere."

The covers are a simple black with laser-cut designs. Nagy brought the magic from the books out by having the designs glow in the dark. The illustrations inside also carry that same magic by being interactive and moving. Without being distracting, these pages add to the story and the fun of the wizarding world.

With the original Harry Potter series, in addition to all the young fans, had also gathered many adult fans which lead to two editions of each Harry Potter book to be released. The text was identical but one edition's cover artwork aimed at children and the other aimed at adults.


Binding: Dávid Petró
Photos: Richárd Kelemen

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Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.