Flyte Levitating Light
The FLYTE Levitating Light designed in Sweden uses energy efficient LEDs that are made to last for 50,000 hours. The bulb is powered from the base through the air and the light hovers by magnetic levitation. What's cooler than tech that levitates? It's science that feels like magic.
While the FLYTE bulb uses LEDs, did you know the longest lasting incandescent bulb is the Centennial Bulb which is said to be 114 years old and has only ever been turned off a few times. One last little light bulb fact before you go; while awake our brain produces enough electricity to light a 25-watt bulb. Sometimes I feel like my brain could power more than just a 25-watt because of how many thoughts are running through it constantly!
Jace Lane
Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.