Image of Etch Clock – Time Engraved

Etch Clock – Time Engraved


We all know that time doesn't stand still but when the it's shown on the Etch Clock it nearly looks permanent. Time is displayed by transforming an elastic membrane into smooth and relaxing 3D numbers. Afterwards, the visualization fades away reminding us that events and moments in our life will be just as fleeting.

Factoid: In 1799, a young boy found a 17-pound shiny rock while playing at a creek on his family's farm in North Carolina. He and his family kept it as a doorstop. A jeweler recognized it as gold and bought it from the family for a measly $3.50 (a week's pay for farm labor).
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Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.