Codex Silenda – The Book of Puzzles
Reading the Codex Silenda book is gonna be a chore. Not only because each page is a puzzle that requires solving before moving to the next page but also finding an available copy looks impossible...for now. The Codex Silenda has a Kickstarter project but all 400 units that were available have been snatched up. It might just be a waiting game for those of us that missed the opportunity. Once you actually get your hands on this book you'll find that it's a five page book that includes one intricate puzzle for each page. The book does feature a story of an apprentice in Da Vinci's workshop. The story unfolds as you unlock each puzzle and move deeper into the book.
In the late 19th century an average wooden jigsaw cost more than most people earned in an entire week!
Jace Lane
Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.