Image of Ceramic Crying Unicorn Candle

Ceramic Crying Unicorn Candle


Sure, you can make your girlfriend cry. Babies are easy criers too. Have you ever tried to make a unicorn cry? It's a lot easier than it sounds. Just light this Crying Unicorn Candle and in no time you'll have your very own collection of magical rainbow tears. It comes with two additional candle horns so the crying can go on and on.

Factoid: If you’re looking to hunt a unicorn, but don’t know where to begin, try Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Since 1971, the university has issued permits to unicorn questers. Anyone embarking on such a search is advised to carry a flask of cognac and a pair of pinking shears.
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Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.