Image of Recycled Tire Sculptures – Yong Ho Ji

Recycled Tire Sculptures – Yong Ho Ji


Yong Ho Ji uses tires to create mutant animal sculptures. These Recycled Tire Sculptures may resemble a certain animal but upon closer inspection you'll notice that different body parts from a variety of animals have been combined for the mutant look. The artist uses a wide range of tires to get the look right. For example, he'll use thinner bicycle tires for the face and then larger thicker car tires for the body. He'll also use different tread to express tension, form, and muscle. The result is a perfect balance of harmony between art and the industrial material used.

Factoid: The United States is the number one producer of garbage but only makes up 4% of the world’s population. In 2012, Americans generated more than 251 million tons of garbage!
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Image of Jace Lane
Jace Lane Just a kid trapped in an adult body posting stuff he finds fascinating.